
The sky-high tree”- Hungarian folk tales cartoon series I. – non-ferrous collector coin, 2021

Coins commemorating Hungary’s unique treasures!
Not only for collectors!

2 000
date of issue:
issue limit:
15 000
34 mm
16 g
Imrei Boglárka
SKU: KC032021-15


Out of stock


With the non-ferrous commemorative coin entitled – “Az égig érő fa” (The Giant Tree), in 2021 the MNB is launching a new series of coins dedicated to presenting the values of Hungarian folk tales, inspired by the series “Hungarian Folk Tales”, which was a great success of the Kecskemét animation studio from the heyday of Hungarian animated film production. The series was based on an idea of studio head Ferenc Mikulás and directed by Kossuth Award and Balázs Béla Award-winning director and expert Marcell Jankovics, with production starting in 1977. In total, 100 episodes and 12.5 hours of material were created, with significant contributions from directors Mária Horváth and Lajos Nagy. In developing the images, theanimators drew on ornamental, folk art materials collected 100 yearsago from historical Hungary, with the group Kaláka interpretingHungarian folk songs as the accompanying music.For its presentation of these treasures, the series has been registered as aHungarikum, with the following explanation: “The peculiar visual andmusical world embodied in Hungarian folktales and the accompanyingnarrative make this animated series a unique work. The kindness, humour,cunning and gaiety of the folktales faithfully refl ect the spirit, emotions andtrue character of the Hungarians. In addition to the above, the truths andfundamental values presented in the episodes of the animated series “HungarianFolk Tales”, which has earned great recognition within Hungary and abroad,make the series worthy of inclusion in the Collection of Hungarikums.

Front:The front of the collector coin bears an image based on the main titleof the series “Hungarian Folk Tales”, featuring a Matyó-style floralpattern with a dove on the left side. The compulsory design elements of coins are placed on the obverse: the inscription ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’ as the issuer, the value numerals ‘2,000 FORINT’, the mint year 2021.
Back:The back of the coin depicts the “Giant Tree” and a profile of the hero of the tale,the swineherd who becomes king, sitting onthe shamanic ‘táltos’ horse. The legend “Az égig érő fa” (The Giant Tree) is found to theright of the image in two lines, written inscript similar to the main title. The designermark of artist Boglárka Imrei is located tothe bottom left of the central motif.