The Transylvanian Hound is an ancient Hungarian breed of hunting dog, shaped by its environment and the needs of hunters, which was rescued from extinction through focused breeding efforts. This breed reached its zenith in the Middle Ages, when it was a popular hunting dog among the nobility, together with the agar and vizsla breeds. Due to the varying terrain conditions back then, two height varieties were developed: the long-legged variety and the short-legged variety. These two were typically kept together. The differences between them are in their size, colouring and coat. The long-legged variety is generally black, with tan and white, and a longer, thicker coat. This variety was mainly used for hunting large game (boar, stag, bison, bears, etc.). The short-legged variety is usually yellowish-red. It was generally used for hunting small game, such as rabbits and chamois. As a result of hunting with scent hounds, chase hunting with packs of hounds was prohibited, and thus the breeding of hounds was abandoned. By nature, the Transylvanian Hound is not suitable for chase hunting; two to four hounds hunt at the same time, typically independently, and thus the breed was still suitable for scent hunting, such as for boars. Nevertheless, by the start of the 20th century the population had declined. After WWII, due to social, economic and mainly political changes, the breed was no longer considered desirable and almost went extinct. In 1968, efforts to save the breed were started, amidst difficult conditions. While the population has now stabilised, it is still classified as a vulnerable breed. The Transylvanian Hound is a good-natured, courageous, intelligent and independent breed, but prone to stubbornness. It has great stamina, does not require much care and is a quick learner. The breed has an outstanding sense of orientation. Its proportions, head shape, neck, strong, muscular limbs, tail and stance are typical for Central European hound breeds. Its body structure is ideal for running long distances. It hates predators with a passion and is excellent at chasing and fixing quarry. It is faithful and will protect its owner if necessary.