The Pákozd Military Memorial Park is a national memorial site at the location where the Hungarian War of Independence of 1848/49 began. On 29 September 1848, Hungarian soldiers and national guards won a battle against the troops of the Austrian Empire near the village of Pákozd. This victory became emblematic for Hungary’s army, mainly due to its positive impact on morale. Along with historians in the subsequent half century, Hungarians of that day and age considered the Battle of Pákozd to be extremely significant, as this event was seen as marking the beginning of Hungary’s efforts to defend itself. The construction of a monument was proposed as early as 1874, but only finally occurred in 1890. The obelisk that stands there today was erected in 1951. The Military Memorial Park (KEMPP) at Pákozd is about more than just commemorating the battle that took place on 29 September 1848, as the Park’s primary goal is to present Hungary’s heroic military history over the last century and a half. Consequently, Pákozd has become the main memorial site of the Hungarian Army. The Don-bend Chapel honours the Hungarian soldiers who died in the Second World War, while the Peace Corps Memorial pays tribute to the service of Hungarian peacekeeping forces abroad.