Ignac Semmelweis (1818-1865) To mark the 150th anniversary of the death of Ignác Semmelweis, the National Bank of Hungary is issuing a commemorative coin. As part of the series, “The World’s Smallest Gold Coins”,
Front: The obverse of the coins features the compulsory design elements: the value numerals ‘2000’ in the centre, with the inscription ‘FORINT’, the mint year ‘2015’ and the mint mark ‘BP’ displayed below them in two horizontal lines. The legend ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’ is inscribed on the upper edge of the coin.
Back:The collector coins feature a portrait of Ignác Semmelweis on the left. The dates ‘1818’ and ‘1865’, marking the date of birth and death of Ignác Semmelweis, as well as the initials of designer Szöllőssy Enikő are placed to right of the portrait, on the lower edge. On the right edge the coin is inscribed with ‘SEMMELWEIS’.
Keywords:medicine, science, gold, mini gold