The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), a leading institution in tertiary technical education, is celebrating its 240th anniversary this year. The earliest predecessor of this internationally renowned university was the Institutum Geometrico-Hydrotechnicum, which was founded in 1782 as the first civilian engineering institute in Europe where technical sciences were taught in a university framework. The primary focus of BME is the education of professionals in the fields of technology, informatics, natural sciences, economics, business and management. Scientific research is an integral part of BME’ programme, including basic and applied research forming the chain of innovation, the development of technical products and services, and the utilisation of results. Based on the latest survey by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a premier ranking of the world’s educational institutions, BME was Hungary’s top engineering and technical school in 2022.
Front:The front of the coin presents part of the facade of BME’s main building. Beneath the image of the building, one finds the popular name of BME and its date of foundation “MŰEGYETEM 1782”, the legend “MAGYARORSZÁG”, the denomination “2000”, the legend “FORINT”, the mint date “2022” and the mint mark “BP.”.The “third side” of the coin presents the abbreviations of the faculties with their respective years of foundation: ÉMK 1782 – GPK 1871 – ÉPK 1873 – VBK 1873 – VIK 1949 – KJK 1951 – TTK 1998 – GTK 1998
Back: On the back, in the outlined central field, the BME’s jubilee logo prepared for the 240th anniversary is shown, with the number 240 from the logo used as a pattern for the background. In the circular legend around the central field are the Hungarian and English names of the institution: “BUDAPESTI MŰSZAK I ÉS GAZDASÁGTUDOMÁNYI EGYETE M” and “BUDAPEST UNIVERSIT Y OF TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS”. These legends are separated on the left by a stylised version of a flower motif from the University sceptre and on the right by the master mark of the designer András Szilos. The Latin name of the institution “UNIVERSITAS BUDAPESTINENSIS SCIENTIARUM TECHNIC ARUM ET
OECONOMIC ARUM ” is found on the interior edge on the back of the coin.