The Vizsoly Bible is an invaluable treasure of Hungarian Christianity, language, theology and culture. It is a Hungarikum. The coin was issued to commemorate the 425th anniversary of the first Hungarian translation of the Bible.
Front: The front features the Reformed Church of Vizsoly in the centre field. To the right, there is a one-quarter circular legend “MAGYARORSZÁG”, and below this in two horizontal lines the denomination 2 000” and “FORINT”. To the left, in two horizontal lines one finds the date “2015” and the mint mark “BP.”.
Back:The centre of the back of the coin has the motif of a “V” in a rectangular frame.
Outside of the frame, from left to right runs the legend “425 ÉVES A VIZSOLYI BIBLIA” and the dates “1590 – 2015”. At the bottom is the master mark of the designer Andrea Horváth.
Outside of the frame, from left to right runs the legend “425 ÉVES A VIZSOLYI BIBLIA” and the dates “1590 – 2015”. At the bottom is the master mark of the designer Andrea Horváth.
Keywords:Religion, church history, churchBible, base metal, series, 2015