The coin pays tribute to László Lajtha, composer, ethnomusicologist, music pedagogue and the most important person of inspiration for the world-famous Dance House Movement, who is remembered as the dominant figure of a generation of Hungarian composers that entered the musical scene in the footsteps of Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály.
Front: The obverse of the coins also features the standard design elements: the inscription ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’, the value numerals 5000 FORINT and 2000 FORINT, the mint year ‘2017’ and the mint mark ‘BP’, which is made in special micro lettering containing a safety feature and only discernible at 10 x magnification, to protect the coins against counterfeiting.
Back:The reverse features the portrait of László Lajtha. To the right of the portrait, the coin is inscribed with 1892/LAJTHA/LÁSZLÓ/1963 in four rows positioned below each other, referring to the dates of birth and death of the composer, scientist, music pedagogue and ethnomusicologist. Adopting a somewhat unconventional approach, the collector coins were made by combining an obverse and a reverse designed by two artists. The master mark of Andrea Horváth, the designer of the obverse, is hidden in the double bass and that of Balázs Pelcz, the designer of the reverse, is hidden on Lajtha’s clothes.
Keywords:music, classical music, folk music,
folk dance, Lajtha, silver 2017
folk dance, Lajtha, silver 2017