Founded in 1989, the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta has 5000 regular and 15,000 casual volunteers, and is now one of the major welfare organisations in the country. The Service celebrated its 25th anniversary this year.
Front: The obverse of the collector coin bears a representation of Saint Elizabeth handing a bread to a hunch-backed old man. The upper legend on the right edge of the coin reads ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’, with the value numeral ‘2000’ and the inscription ‘FORINT’ placed below the legend. The mint year ‘2014’ and the mint mark ‘BP’ are positioned in a lower legend in the centre.
Back:The reverse of the coin features a representation of a globe, with the emblem of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service and the year ‘1989’ above the emblem shown in the foreground. The inscription on the upper edge of the coin reads ‘MAGYAR MÁLTAI SZERETETSZOLGÁLAT’. The motto of the Hungarian Maltese Charity Service ‘A HIT VÉDELME ÉS A SZEGÉNYEK SZOLGÁLATA’ [Defence of the Faith and Assistance to the Poor] appears in a lower legend. The upper and lower legends are separated, on the left, by the initials of designers Orsolya Ráski and Dániel Nagy and, on the right, by a dot.
Keywords:history, religion, base metal, non-ferrous, 2014