The collector coin ‘Géza Gárdonyi: Eclipse of the Crescent Moon’ will be issued as part of the ‘youth literature’ series. Earlier pieces of the series commemorate the following works of fiction: Sir John by Sándor Petőfi: (2001); The Paul Street Boys by Ferenc Molnár (2001); Toldi by János Arany (2001) and Lúdas Matyi by Mihály Fazekas (2001).
Front: The legend ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’ is inscribed on the upper left edge of the obverse. The right field of the coin bears a portrait of Géza Gárdonyi. The value numeral ‘1000‘, the inscription ‘FORINT’ and the signature of Géza Gárdonyi appear in horizontal lines below each other to the left of the portrait. The mint year ‘2013’ and the mint mark ‘BP.’ are positioned in the centre at the lower edge of the coin.
Back:The reverse of the coin bears a detail of the Women of Eger, a painting by Bertalan Székely. The main female character is positioned in the centre, with a scene from the siege around her. The legend ‘EGRI CSILLAGOK’ is inscribed on the upper part of the painting’s detail. The initials of designer Gábor Benő Pogány are to the right of the legend, near the edge of the coin.
Keywords:literature, Gardonyi, non-ferrous metal, 2013