
National Ambulance Service silver collector coin (proof) 2023

Great for collectors and numismatics fans!

15 000
date of issue:
issue limit:
38,61 mm
31,46 g
Molnár Mercédesz Dorisz
SKU: KB022023-06


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The National Ambulance Service is Hungary’s largest ambulance and healthcare organisation, which has been operating for 75 years. Its roots reach back to the second half of the 19th century in Hungary, which in 1887 was one of the first European countries to introduce an organised ambulance service. At that time, the Voluntary Ambulance Association was formed in Budapest, at the initiative of Géza Kresz, a district physician. After World War I, the network of ambulance stations was extended across the country in 1926. On 10 May 1948, the National Ambulance Service (OMSZ) was officially founded as a uniform, government-operated service. The original network of 76 ambulance stations in 1926 has now grown to 256 stations with 780 ambulance units and 8,500 staff. While its scope of activities is constantly expanding and it uses the most modern methods and equipment, the OMSZ continues to preserve its traditions and values, as expressed by the organisation’s motto: A calling for life!
The Hungarian ambulance system has some unique features. For instance, only Hungary has college-level training for ambulance personnel. The National Ambulance Service places great emphasis on providing immediate medical attention and works to stabilise the patient’s condition as quickly as possible, which requires significant technical resources and professional skills.

Front: The front of the coin features the “star of life” symbol, widely used by ambulance and rescue services, in a slightly asymmetric composition, alluding to the international aspect. The branches of the star represent the six main tasks performed by rescuers: detection, reporting, response, first aid, care in transit, and transfer to hospital care. The motto of the National Ambulance Service “HIVATÁS AZ ÉLETÉRT” (A calling for life) is in a circular legend at the bottom. The front also contains the mandatory elements: the legend “MAGYARORSZÁG”, the denomination “15000” or “3000 Ft”, the mint mark “BP.” and the minting date “2023”.
Back: The motifs on the back underline another aspect of the OMSZ that is unique in international terms, namely that its operates throughout the entire country. The back shows a map of Hungary in a modern, multi-faceted pattern, depicting the national network of ambulance stations that are located at each of the angles of the individual facets. The lower right portion of the map is covered by the OMSZ logo. The circular legend at the top reads “ORSZÁGOS MENTŐSZOLGÁLAT” (National Ambulance Service) and “ALAPÍTVA 1948” (Founded 1948) at the bottom. The master mark of the coin’s designer Mercédesz Molnár, is located to the lower left of the map.