MASAT-1, MO72 (a word formed from the elements magyar and &satellite) was the first satellite built completely in Hungary. With a mass of around 1 kg, the 10-cm cube-shaped pico-satellite was the result of development work at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. It was launched on 13 February 2012 at 11 am, together with several other satellites. A VGA camera was also on-board the satellite.
Front: The front of the coin bears a stylised image of the antenna used to receive signals from MASAT-1. The legend “MAGYARORSZÁG” is found above the image of the antenna, along with the denomination “1000” and “FORINT”. The mint mark “BP.” is located below the device.
Back:The back bears a stylised image of the MASAT-1 in action, with the Earth in the background and a view of Europe from above, with the territory of Hungary in raised relief. The legend “MASAT-1” and “AZ ELSŐ MAGYAR MŰHOLD” is found beneath the image of the satellite. The master mark of designer Áron Bohus is located in the upper left hand corner.
Keywords:Inventors, inventions, technology, non-ferrous, 2012, series