
‘150 Years of Organised Fire Departments in Hungary’ non-ferrous collector coin 2020

The perfect gift for firefighters and fans of technology!

2 000
date of issue:
issue limit:
38,610 mm
30,800 g
SKU: KC032020-05


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“150 years of organised fire departments in Hungary Count Ödön Széchenyi laid the foundations for organised fire departments in Hungary, with the recruitment of the first volunteers and creation of professional associations and finally the nationwide collaboration of different associations across Hungary. As a result of his efforts, the Hungarian Firefighters’ Federation, the legal predecessor of today’s Hungarian Firefighter Association, was established in 1870. In Hungary, Firefighters’ Day has been officially celebrated on 4 May since 1991,
in commemoration of Saint Florian, the patron saint of firefighters.”

Front: “The central motif the front of the collector coins is a composition of a decorated helmet above two crossed fire axes, with an arch-shaped inscription of the fire department motto ‘DICSŐ MÚLTBÓL A
MÉLTÓ JÖVŐBE!’ (From a glorious past to a worthy future!) above and MAGYARORSZÁG (Hungary) below. The front of the coin has the mandatory elements (the denomination: 2000 Forint, the legend: Magyarország, the mint mark: BP. and the date: 2020),”
Back: “On the reverse, positioned in the centre is a representation of Saint Florian, the patron saint of firefighters, under an arch-shaped legend ‘150 ÉVES A SZERVEZETT MAGYAR TŰZOLTÓSÁG’ (150 Years of Organised Fire Departments in Hungary), with the horizontal legend SZENT FLÓRIÁN (Saint Florian) in the foreground below. Saint Florian was a Christian martyr and is the patron saint of firefighters. The cult of Saint Florian became popular in Central Europe in the late Middle Ages. According to the legend, he is believed to have saved a house from complete destruction by a dreadful fire when he was a child. The collector coin features a typical representation of Saint Florian standing in the uniform of a Roman officer, holding a flag in one hand and a bucket of water in the other, extinguishing a small house on fire.
Their edge is fine-reeded with the repeated lettering ‘ISTENNEK DICSŐSÉG, EMBERNEK SEGÍTSÉG! (Glory to God, help to men!) The collector coin was designed by the artist István Holló.”