Hungary, represented by Ferenc Kemény, the future Secretary General of the Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB), had an active part in the foundation of the modern Olympic Movement in 1894. One year later, on 19 December 1895. the Hungarian Olympic Committee was the sixth to be founded among the national committees. The first President of the MOB was dr. Albert Berzeviczy Albert.
Front: The Hungarian Olympic Committee’s coin front is commemorating Hungary’s first Winter Olympic gold medal, that was won by the short track speed skating 5000m Men’s relay at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018. There are four speed skaters racing in their heat – two are in the front and two in the background as shadows – on the front of the collector coin, representing the important sports history event. The „PHJONGCSHANG 2018” inscription is placed left from the main motif and refers to the time and place of the first Hungarian Winter Games victory and to the gold medallist short track speed skating relay. The compulsory design elements such as the inscription ‘MAGYARORSZÁG’, the mint year ‘2020’, the value numeral ’10 000’ FORINTS and the mint mark ‘BP’ are all featured on the obverse.
Back: The back of the Hungarian Olympic Committee’s collector coin refers to the foundation of the Olympic Organisation and to the first Hungarian Olympic victory. The reverse represents the success of Alfréd Hajós in the 1896 Summer Olympic Games in Athens where he won the 100m and 1200m swimming in the 11-13 degree Celsius sea waves. On the back of the coin, there is a swimmer, swimming in the sea in a XIX. century swimming dress, accompanied by two men in a boat in the background. The bottom inscription „ATHÉN 1896” puts the whole scene in perspective.
Above the swimming scene, on the left, in 4 lines (composed to the centerline of the coin) the following lettering can be seen: „MAGYAR OLIMPIAI BIZOTTSÁG” and „1895” (founding year of MOB). To the right from the lettering, the official logo of the Hungarian Olympic Committee is placed. The signature of the designer, Andrea Horváth artist can be found on the left, under the swimmer hidden in the sea.
Above the swimming scene, on the left, in 4 lines (composed to the centerline of the coin) the following lettering can be seen: „MAGYAR OLIMPIAI BIZOTTSÁG” and „1895” (founding year of MOB). To the right from the lettering, the official logo of the Hungarian Olympic Committee is placed. The signature of the designer, Andrea Horváth artist can be found on the left, under the swimmer hidden in the sea.