Right of withdrawal


Hungarian Mint Ltd. Commercial Office
Address: 7 Báthory street, Budapest, H-1054
Correspondence: 1734 Budapest, Pf. 518.
Tel.: +36-1-800-8111, – 8112 / fax: +36-1-800-8113
E-mail: coins@hu.inter.net
The Company cannot accept responsibility for correspondence sent to e-mail addresses other than the one above, in particular to addresses in the automatic e-mail system.

Right of withdrawal

  1. Pursuant to Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules governing contracts between consumers and companies (hereinafter: “Government Decree”), the Ordering Party may, in accordance with the following provisions, withdraw from or cancel the contract without stating its grounds within fourteen (14) days. According to Article 20 (2) of the Government Decree, in the case of a contract on the sale and purchase of the product(s)the consumer may exercise its right of withdrawal or cancellation from the day of receiptby the consumer or a third part designated by the consumer which is different than the carrier and in the case of a contract on the provision of services, such right may be exercised within fourteen days of conclusion of the contract. The consumer may exercise withdrawal or cancellation using the sample declaration of withdrawal or cancellation presented in Appendix 2 to the Government Decree, as accessible via the link below, or a clearly stated declaration to that effect.

The right of withdrawal/cancellation may be exercised by completing (and sending) this sample declaration.

Withdrawal/cancellation shall be considered to have been effected in time if the Ordering Party has sent the relevant notification prior to expiration of the deadline.

  1. In the event of withdrawal/cancellation, the Company shall, in the same manner agreed upon purchase, reimburse to the Ordering Party the value paid by the Ordering Party for the goods affected by the withdrawal, including the expenses for packaging and delivery, in exchange for the return of any certificate(s) of origin or packaging materials (plastic capsule), to the extent that such were also included as part of the delivery, without delay, but within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of the notification of withdrawal. The Company may hold back reimbursement until it receives the product or until the Ordering Party certifies that such as been sent back. In the event of withdrawal/cancellation by the Ordering Party, it shall be required to return the product to the Company at its own expense within 14 days of notification of withdrawal/cancellation. The Ordering Party shall bear no other costs, but is liable for any decline in value stemming from use above and beyond the userequired to determine the nature, characteristics and operation of the product.
  2. The Ordering Party may not exercise its right of withdrawal for products which are manufactured, engraved or photo-engraved exclusively for it based on its order or instructions.
  3. The Ordering Party may submit written notification of exercising its right of withdrawal/cancellation of online orders by e-mail (coins@hu.inter.net), fax (+36-1/800-8113 or 210-4448) or by registered letter with return receipt (Magyar Pénzverő Zrt. H-1734 Budapest, Pf. 518.).  In relation to the exercise of rights of withdrawal/cancellation sent by e-mail or fax, the Company shall confirm receipt of the Ordering Party’s declaration within 3 days. In order to facilitate processing, it is recommended that the invoice/receipt received with the goods be attached to the notification of withdrawal/cancellation, but notification may also be submitted without these documents.
  4. The Company cannot accept withdrawal/cancellation after the above deadline.


The Ordering Party may enforce an ancillary warranty claim vis-à-vis the Company in accordance with the regulations of the Civil Code (Ptk.) Pursuant to such, the Ordering Party may request repair or replacement, unless satisfaction of the Ordering Party’s claim is impossible or would result in inordinate additional costs for the Company compared to the satisfaction of a different claim. If the Ordering Party did not or could not request repair or replacement, it may request a proportionate reduction of the amount paid or may undertake the repair or have such undertaken by another party at the cost of the Company, or ultimately withdraw from the contract. The Ordering Party may switch from one selected ancillary warranty to another, but shall bear the cost of switching, unless such switching was justified or the Company gave cause for such.

The Ordering Party shall notify the defect immediately, but not later than two months after discovering such. Ancillary warranty rights cannot be enforced after the statutory limitation of two years from conclusion of contract. The statutory limitation for used goods is one year.

Within six months of performance, there are no other conditions for the Ordering Party to enforce its ancillary warranty claim, if the Ordering Party demonstrates that that product or service was provided by the Company. After six months, however, the Ordering Party must prove that the defect discovered by the Ordering Party existed upon performance.

In the event of a defect in the product, the Ordering Party may choose between enforcing its ancillary warranty right or a product warranty claim.

With a product warranty claim, the Ordering Party may only request the repair or replacement of the defective product. The product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements upon being placed in circulation or does not have the characteristics contained in the description provided by the Company.

The Ordering Party may enforce its product warranty claim within two years of the Company placing the product into circulation. The validity of the claim expires after this deadline. Product warranty claims may only be enforced against the manufacturer or distributor of moveable property. In the case of a product warranty claim, the Ordering Party must prove the defect in the product.

The Company is only released from its product warranty obligations, if it can prove that:

  • the product was not manufactured or placed into circulation for commercial purposes;
  • the defect could not be detected with the state of science and technology upon being placed into circulation;
  • the defect in the product stems from the application of a legal regulation or binding official requirement.

It is sufficient for the Company to prove one point to be released.

The Ordering Party may not simultaneously enforce an ancillary warranty claim and a product warranty claim in parallel with respect to the same defect. However, in the event that it successfully enforces its product warranty claim, it may also enforce an ancillary warranty claim against the manufacturer in respect of the replaced product or repaired part thereof.

The product sold by the Company – coins, gift boxes, specialised literature, coin albums, banknotes, specimen banknotes, circulation series, etc. – do not fall into the group of products subject to mandatory guarantee. The Company does not provide any voluntary guarantee for its own products or products which it distributes.

Ancillary warranty/product warranty claims may only be submitted in writing, to the e-mail address coins@hu.inter.net, by fax under +36-1-800-8113 or 210-4448, or sent to Magyar Pénzverő Zrt. H-1734 Budapest Pf. 518. Claims are handled on the basis of the Company’s Regulations on the Processing of Complaints, which can be found here.